Thursday, October 13, 2016

Don't you wish you were in 4th Grade again?

Teaching 4th Grade is kind of the best of all time.

For real though, the children are hilarious, the days are long & tiring, I'm exhausted by 5pm, I don't make a lot of money, my hair is always a mess, but still I love this job more than I could have ever imagined.

I am going to start posting about my days, the ups, the downs, the frustrations & more than anything the humorous parts! 

7:30 am- Came in early to get caught up on my never ending to-do list only to find, the ENTIRE school was without POWER! Whaaaaattt? That has never happened. Spent all morning keeping an eye on all the children who come in early for breakfast & because their parents go to work. I let them read my books, color, play games, anything to keep them busy before breakfast. 

8:15am- My sweet student teacher arrives wondering how to do her lesson for which she is being observed without any power. She is amazing and says she'll make it work!
            -Power came back on at 10am. PHEW (though I was secretly hoping for a half day) 

Funnies of the Day:
Let's start by talking about L- FUNNIEST child you will ever know! This kid has a personality bigger than anyone I've ever met. He is overly dramatic, incredibly funny when he isn't trying to be, and loves to be blunt. 
           Example: A few weeks ago the class was cleaning their desks out while we watched
              The Magic School Bus. I see him at the back of the room and walk over to where
               he is dancing. I ask "What are you doing?" L-"I'm dancing"...I look down only to see
               he has about 4 other students cleaning out his desk FOR HIM. I about died with 
               laughter & kindly explained that they were not his slaves and that he needed to 
                clean out the desk himself. 
Today during small group (of which L is a part) we were reading a story about some princes & a princess. As we were reading L was clearly preoccupied with the illustration. (Shown below). 

In the middle of reading he asks "Why is she so fat?" I calmly reminded him we were reading and that we don't judge people on how they look. 
 He accepted that for the time being. After the story:

Me: Do any of you still have questions about the story?

L: "I just don't get why he would want to marry her (the larger girl)!

I kindly remind him about not judging people on how they look. 

L:" Well and this girl she doesn't get any sleep I mean look at that purple spot under her eye"

All I could do was laugh. Observant boy. He lights up my life. 

Finally today: We were reading a story that had some Spanish words in it. One word was 'beso' which means kiss. 
Sidenote let me talk about O- he is also a hilarious. So full of personality, constantly laughing, LOVES to talk. He has gotten one of the quieter boys to giggle and talk all the time. It's kids like this that wow me. He comes from a pretty crappy background and luckily now has some amazing people raising him. He also keeps our classroom full of laughter. 

So we read this story and the children are finding out what Beso means using clues in the story. I look down right as O looks up, taps his cheek, looks at me smiling and says "Beso?" 

I about died laughing. 

Children are freaking awesome people. Teachers are even more awesome for helping them be better humans.


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